Level of Development

Level of Development

Level of Development outlines the reliability and process of using different BIM elements for construction, architectural or engineering project. Outlined by the American Institute of Architects, LOM collectively is a set of protocols, expectations and authorizations that allow the use of BIM for a project.

With the help of LOD, professionals in the engineering design industry can understand the content and reliability of BIM models clearly at various stages of the design and construction process. The American Institute of Architects has set up clear guidelines and responsibilities for each and every BIM Model Element as well as LOD for every project phase.

LOD Definitions

LOD 100: Conceptual

Elements can be represented graphically with the help of a symbol that aren’t to scale and don’t resemble the actual physical geometry.

LOD 200: Design Model

Every element of a project is represented graphically using a generic object, system or assembly with approximate values related to size, shape, location and orientation.

LOD 300: Construction Model

All the elements are represented as a distinguishing system, assembly or object accurately outlining the quantity, size, shape, orientation and location of the element.

LOD 400: Fabrication Model

All the elements are represented as per construction model with additional detailing, assembly, fabrication and installation information.

LOD 500: As-Built Model

All the elements are accompanied by as-built and facility management information integrated into the model.